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Showing posts from August, 2020

Curriculum Highlights Reading 4th/5th


Curriculum Highlights Math 4th/5th grades - First Trimester


Building Motivation


Try New Things~Growth Mindset

One of my favorite songs for kids is "Try Everything" from Zootopia (A great movie) because the words encourage trying and getting up and trying again. I will use this song in the classroom to help show a growth mindset towards life!   Try Everything Song and Video Also here is a great article about  ways to encourage  your child to try new things.

Life long Learner

Every day I wake up and read an article about education and learning. It is a goal of mine to continue as a lifelong learner and to grow my thinking and knowledge of how to help children grow. Here are two great articles about executive functioning. We work hard to develop and strengthen executive functioning by using self-awareness, strategies for improving weaker areas, and self-monitoring to develop metacognition (thinking about our thinking). Please read these articles and I would love to hear what you think. What is Executive Functioning Strategies for Strengthening Executive Functioning

Executive Functioning ~Important information for everyone

What Is Executive Function? By The Understood Team         What You'll Learn Snapshot: What Executive Function Is Signs of Executive Functioning Issues Possible Causes of Executive Functioning Issues Diagnosing and Treating Executive Functioning Issues Executive function is a set of mental skills that include working memory, flexible thinking, and self-control. We use these skills every day to learn, work, and manage daily life. Trouble with executive function can make it hard to focus, follow directions, and handle emotions, among other things. Snapshot: What Executive Function Is Some people describe executive function as “the management system of the brain.” That’s because the skills involved let us set goals, plan, and get things done. When people struggle with executive function, it impacts them at home, in school, and in life. There are three main areas of executive function. They are: Working memory Cognitive flexibility  (also called flexible thinking) I...


Dear Parents, Welcome to 5th grade extended Math and/or Reading! It is an exciting time as children come upon new adventures in digital learning. This is a year of important transitions, as well as gaining new skills and strategies to add to your child's toolbox for learning. I hope to make your child’s learning experience a fun and exciting one, and I hope to instill a love of learning and continue to teach them how to learn.  So many things are changing and one of my goals this year is to have as much consistency and transparency as possible for both you and your child. In fact, this year will be full of opportunities to develop our mindsets towards learning and growth. It is tremendously important to keep in mind that we all build on small successes. Each child will progress at their own rate, acquiring skills as they are developmentally ready. Maintaining each child’s self-esteem and building a secure foundation for future growth will always remain a priority in the extend...